Forms/ Documents
Parent Forms
Teacher Coverage Form - Fill this out when you cover a teacher's class for either recess or lunch. This will help the PTA fill in coverage gaps.
Sign Up Creation Form - Need to make a sign up? Fill this out and the PTA will make the sign up and email it for you
Spirit Night Information Form - Spirit Night coming up? Fill out the form so we can distribute the information to the school.
Room Parent Responsibility - A guide for room parents
Staff Favorite Things Look Up - Look up ANY staff's favorite things submission.
Volunteer Interest Form - Find your spot. Sign up for volunteer opportunities you are interested and we will contact you with more information.
Educational Absence Approval Form - If you would like your child to get approved for an educational absence, please fill the form out 10 days BEFORE the date of the educational absence.
Reimbursement Forms
Teacher Discretionary Fund Reimbursement Form - Form for Staff to fill out to get reimbursed through the PTA's staff discretionary fund.
PTA Check Requisition - Form if personal funds were used for the PTA and you need the PTA to make you a check for reimbursement.
PTA Debit Card Transaction Form - Form to track transactions used with the PTA debit card.
Staff Forms
Staff Favorite Things Form - Staff please fill out so we have a record of your favorite things.
Mini Grant Application - If you are interested in applying for a mini grant from the PTA, please fill this out and email it to or put it in the president's box in the workroom. Grant applications will be assessed monthly.